
Mini-MBA program


The new Masters of Bioscience Law & Technologies Mini-MBA program, has a list price of $2750 dollars, however to stimulate prospective leaders to enroll in this new program, the Law Society, has discounted the program 80% to $687.50 …


The new Masters of Bioscience Law & Technologies Mini-MBA program, has a list price of $2750 dollars, however to stimulate prospective leaders to enroll in this new program, the Law Society, has discounted the program 80% to $687.50

The MBLAT is a com­pre­hen­sive bioscience busi­ness lead­er­ship and man­age­ment devel­op­ment pro­gram that pro­vides leading-edge busi­ness skills, and lead­er­ship train­ing to help pro­pel your career forward.


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